Thursday, June 5, 2008

Enhanced baseball, now with sound effects!

Was flipping around last night during commercials (its a guy thing) and tuned into the Yankee game for a bit on MSG. The Yankees were in the field and whoever they were playing (Phillies fan remember) was up to bat. As each pitch came in, the sound that the ball made hitting the catcher glove was quite loud. Then, it happened. Pitch made, batter swings and fouls off the pitch and the popping sound of the ball hitting the catchers' glove still happens.

Maybe I missed something, so watch a little more. Yep, happens again and occasionally the sound of that glove smack is not quite so loud.

I guess MSG or someone has decided that it is more impressive if the Yankee pitchs sound really loud on TV, so they have added just a bit of enhancement to it. Kind of like a laugh track on a sitcom.



DC said...

The Yankees don't air on MSG. But thanks for providing an example as to why unaided recall diary measurement of media doesn't work.

JH said...

Whatever, the YES network. Watching the game right now. KC pitching, sound of the ball hitting the mitt a lot less then when the Yanks are pitching.

Hey, a lot better than the Mets. Did you know that Keith Hernandez played for the Mutts? And he was the best player ever for them? Worse annoucers ever!

DC said...

Hernandez, Hernandez, hmmm...isn't he that old guy from the Just For Men commercials?