Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Still here....kinda

So, I find myself with very little to blog about these days. Not sure why except there really is no excitement around. Baseball is over, the holidays are approaching, work is really busy, curling is the same as always and I am not a writer like DC.

The Canadian Pre-trials are over and the trials start in a bit. That will be exciting but there are so many places to read about that on the web I don't bother. I am not doing any competitive curling this year so there is nothing there either. The only thing upcoming is the return to the scene of the crime, go check out last years November posts if you need the back story. Always fun to curl at Philly, good friends and good times. Same team as always. After that not even sure what the next curling trip will be, maybe something different this year - a trip to Border CC perhaps. We are planning a trip to Cortina for the Men's Worlds so maybe just save up for that.

I guess the only thing to look forward to at this point is the holiday-year in review post.



curlny said...

Border heh?
From whence spawned CC !!

DC said...

You give me too much credit my friend. I'm not a writer either. I just transcribe the voices in my head. They're not very good but once I finish taking their dictation they stop for a while.