Sunday, December 13, 2009

The year in review

So, looking back through the year it was not a great one. Too many people leaving this orb. It seems it was a year when death was the theme. But can't dwell on that.

There were a few highlights. I made it to a National curling event for the first time and probably the last. Maybe all that curling last year just took the last bit of non-pain out of the knees. The "good" knee (the one that wasn't scoped) bothers me most days now. We had a couple of wonderful vacations in Canada and LBI. The Phillies made the World Series again and I even got to see them play at the new Yankee stadium.

The lowlights did seem to dominate the postings. Death, work, rants about this and that. Maybe I am getting to be a cranky old man. Might be time to step away from some things that just don't make me happy anymore. Have to figure out how to do that.

Work has just dominated the house the last couple of months. Too much travel for both of us. Little time to just enjoy being upright and breathing. The yard and flowers suffered greatly this summer. We spent very little time sitting on the screened in porch.

Another year has passed and a new one is just around the corner. Turn over a new leaf and move on. Happy holidays to all whatever they might be. See you in '10.



Charrissa said...

Hope 2010 is a much better year for you! We still love you Jeff - you're not that grumpy.
Missed you and Sally last night at Tuesday night league. Hopefully we'll see you on Friday night at the holiday party. If not - have a wonderful holiday season.

Dan said...


I understand the loss of the "blog voice" maybe it's a bit of burnout, not sure, but the guys I usually bonspiel with are back from hiatus, got some new guys to spiel with and all seems right with the world for a change. I think I've even got my blog voice back...gads I hope so.

I see Nutmeg is sending a men's team to the Big Chief in Brantford Ont. I assume that's your club right ? This will be our 3rd visit to this spiel, I do not get tired of playing on great ice...and boy do they have great ice.

Cheers and Merry Christmas !