Wednesday, November 26, 2008

You are doing what to my what!?

Pictured on right is a very cute kitten. He went and got fixed this week. First patient of the day so we got to pick him up late in the afternoon. The vet provided instructions such as keep him quiet. Fine, we can do that. He has the guest room all to himself. So, bedtime comes and we bring him into our room to sleep with us.

Then this happens:
Hallucinatory behavior, which may progress to delirium, may occur during emergence from Ketamine anesthesia.

Yep, around midnight he is literally bouncing off the walls, attacking everything in sight including us and just freaking out. This causes Skippy mom to freak out. Call the 24 hour emergency vet clinic and explain what is happening. They told us about the above. So, back into the guest room he goes for the night.

The next day expect to open the door to the room and see him floating above the bed like something out of the exorcist. Nope, just his old normal self (sans balls), purring and just wanting pets. We called our vet to ask if he got ketemine and she says yes and then explains that the reaction happens in about 10% of cats.

He has completely returned to "normal" at this point. Of course the instructions say to not allow him to run or play on the stairs for 3 days. Riiiighhhtt, how do you keep a kitten from playing? Duct tape maybe but he seems to be fine and takes breaks when he gets a tired.

Happy (American) Thanksgiving to all.


1 comment:

Chris said...

Sounds like something that happened to you in downtown Bridgeport.

I see that the Mrs. finally joined FB, but she hasn't friended you. Ouch.