Friday, January 30, 2009

Stuff and stuff

Spent most of Tuesday digging out from under the pile of email. Work stuff, Nationals (cool) stuff, ice stuff, other stuff. Then I decide to come down with a really nice head cold. I blame Derek, can't be the skips fault ;-)

Spent a lot of the week looking for team jackets. You wouldn't think it would be that hard. But with the short turnaround we are limited to something local or at least in the US. Too bad, Performance had a really nice jacket but just can't risk a hold up at the border. I remember Mrs. JH taking 3 months to get a pair of curling shoes across the border. Think we settled on an Adidas jacket at this point.

GNCC Senior Men's happening at the club right now. Haven't been there yet but will be tomorrow and Sunday.

What else. Trying to get the driveway cleared. Lots of ice so a little at a time as it melts a bit.

Sunday is the Nutmeg super bowl party where we have fun and almost watch the game. Guess I will root for the Steelers. Lots of friends in Pittsburgh and who cares about the other team (Cardinals?). Can you tell I really follow football.

Sunday is also another step closer to Super Seniors or Masters or whatever they call over 55 curling. Yep, it is the birth day. Another orbit around the sun as Coach Ray or DC might say. Hey, at least I won't be the oldest skip at Club Nationals. There is actually someone older than me there.

Challenge round curling happening as well. Just watching the results and not really rooting for anyone except Dean and Sandra. Have to support the East after all since we don't have clue how to curl. Except if you happened to notice that three of the teams in the Women's Olympic Trials are from the East (Lank, Brown and of course Charrissa).

And the cats, one is currently howling for dinner. The one that stopped eating a while ago.


1 comment:

DC said...

Shame, I would've thought you guys would've gone Members Only or Sassoon on the jackets.