Monday, May 19, 2008

Some people's worst nightmare

That will be the response I expect now that the LBI curling club has become a recognized club in the GNCC. Why, because I am now the GNCC rep for the LBI CC which means I get a voice and a vote. Regular readers know that I can get a little incensed about curling and especially curling politics.

Anyway, that was our big news from the GNCC annual meeting. They also passed a one dollar increase on the dues. Otherwise it was a pretty calm meeting.

We will still maintain our strict new member policy. If you want to join you better learn the secret hand signal and attendance is mandatory at the annual meeting.

By the way, did you notice I got the winner of the Preakness right?



Anonymous said...

Hello Jeffy -- It is PM from MN - Question - one of Maggies books we read regularly takes place on the beach (Jersey shore), I have an idea that it takes place on LBI. Is there a hardware or pharmacy named Bob's not far of the beach? I know it would be a risk to ask about anything other than a bar but I thought I would give it a try.

JH said...

Nothing is really that far from the beach.

However, I can't think of a store named Bob's off the top of my head. The hardware/variety store is Hands.

Does it mention any "town" names?

Anonymous said...

How far is the "club" from Mantoloking? It's tough to get me off the beach, but if it involves golf or curling - I'm there.