Thursday, October 16, 2008

GNCC Men's curling tour

Some of the loyal readers will have heard about this. Most of the wrinkles have been worked out and the rules are being reviewed.

Basically, the existing Men's bonspiels in the GNCC are going to be used. Teams will earn points based on how well they do in the spiel and money will be given out at the end of the year. First event is the Calder in Norfolk.

Somehow I got talked into being the chair for this thing. As with most things I volunteer for there was probably beer involved. But I think it can be a positive thing for the GNCC. Those are words I usually dont say.

So for those reading in the Midwest, look out. The East is trying to get better and even bigger.



DC said...

You've gotta be a member of the GNCC Competitive Curling group to read the rules you linked to. Not a prayer in the world of me having the ability or the inclination to do that, no sir. Just wanted to know what 'spiels were going to be terrorized by teams with visions of glory blazing in their eyes so I could run the other way to the ones I prefer (i.e. the ones that focus on the party, not the granite-pushing).

Chris said...

Is it possible to get the rules and schedule on the GNCC web site?