Wednesday, October 8, 2008

LBI here we come

The annual meeting of the LBI curling club will be held this Saturday. We are off to the land of surf and sand tomorrow. DC will be there. Coach Raysome anonymous guy will be there. Their lovely wifes will be there. The rest of the crew will be there. Could be some late night blogging occuring.

The weather has taken a turn for the better. The planning is almost done. Now just have to stock up on the beer, wine and food on the way onto the island. Monday is a holiday so it will be a nice long weekend for everyone.

The only thing we will miss is the relighting of Old Barny. Guess we have to wait till next year.



DC said...

I have been considering an entry where I just leave a post open and people can type whatever they want. The catch is each person is limited to one sentence and one sentence only. Might be a good party game, like Mad Libs all grown up.

JH said...

I can see it now




on into the dawn.......

(sorry for those who don't get it but we discuss very important things late at night)