Tuesday, December 30, 2008

At the vet clinic again

So, Snickle (or Poodle as we call him) is not himself today. Didn't eat breakfast and wasn't interested in dinner. Not looking well, not perky or really wandering around much. Off to the 24 clinic again.

Spend an hour there while they do the blood work. Liver problems but they are not sure what. He will be spending at least two nights with an ultrasound scheduled for tomorrow. On intravenious right now.

We are not as worried about him as the kitten. He went through this about 3 years ago and it was just an infection. Some antibiotics, some pills and then he was fine. We will wait to hear the results tomorrow and see where we are.

And we are still going to LBI. Can't do anything by staying home except worry more.

Of course, the old lady Bonspiel is as healthy as a horse. We think she is pushing 20 but Mrs. is not sure exactly. She rules the roost and has already let the kitten know who is boss of this house.

Things will turn out fine, just like before and it WILL be a Happy New Year.

As we say at least once a day "damn cats" but we love'em.


PS and no this has not turned into a cat blog.

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