Saturday, April 18, 2009

Weekend stuff

Opened up the screen porch this morning. It is kind of a room with no heat or anything. Sticks off the living room with sliding doors to get to it. Put up plastic to protect it over the winter and that came down today. The kitten spent about an hour going from perch to perch out there and is now exhausted. Sleeping somewhere that we can't find him.

Curling on TV again this afternoon if the girls (Cathy O and Jill) make it to the final. Then we will watch, otherwise probably not.

Been listening to the woodpeckers drumming since 6:30am. A rite of spring as they mark their territory and look for a mate. They have found some really LOUD spots right outside the bedroom windows. At least it is not on the house.

Off to the club tomorrow to wash the last of the paint off the floor. Also pack up the scraper blades to send to Canada for sharpening.

Have to run out and get some beer at some point. Did you know that you can't buy beer in CT on Sunday? Been that way since the late 50s. Good thing we are a ten minute ride from NY just in case.


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