Sunday, May 17, 2009

Mr. Third Husband

I think that may be my new title. Okay, back up a bit. The GNCC annual meeting was today and we have arrived home. Mrs. JH has been voted in as 2nd VP of the GNCC. It is basically an eight year path of office in the GNCC. Two years at 2nd VP, 2 years at 1st VP, 2 years as President and 2 years as immediate past President.

Not sure who was buying her the drinks or how many were involved to get her to volunteer for this. But she is on the GNCC board for a while at this point. Her first order of business was to inform me that I have to attend all the meetings as well. I guess Utica in the fall will be okay.

Anyway, the transfer of the pants in the house will take place soon.


1 comment:

blahblahblah said...

Look on the bright side - dresses are cooler than pants in the summer.

Mr. Nutmeg Second Husband