Wednesday, July 15, 2009

The wilds

So, if you click HERE you will see a satellite view of the "wilds". The backwards C thing in the middle is the destination. We are off to Canada, Northern Ontario if you will, on Friday. Scale is 1 inch = 1000 feet.

Fly to International Falls, then about an hour and a half drive. Coming home we have to leave a bit more time as there is a bass tournament happening in Fort Frances (border crossing).

First cast expected to be Friday around 8pm. Sunset is 9:15pm and star gazing will commence shortly after. Hope we get to see some Aurora Borealis this year. Have to go check that out on the interwebz to see if it is good right now.

Saturday will be get fishing license, fish, eat, relax, fish, eat, relax and watch stars. The rest of the time will be "rinse and repeat" except for the license part. Although I think there is a party or something on Saturday night. There will some visiting of friends in there as well. Probably a couple of beers and some pamplemousse as well. You do remember, oh so loyal readers, that was the horse I wanted this year in the Derby? Of course you do.

Hopefully will catch some of Le Tour while away as well. There are computers and the intarwebz in the wilds so will be able to keep up that way at least.

MF will be happy as all the pictures will NOT be of cats. Probably fish, eagles, scenery, maybe bears and if we get lucky a wolf. If I get really lucky maybe a nice musky picture.

Tommorow is packing and organizing.


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