Wednesday, March 19, 2008

The life of a consultant

A bit off the path of curling but the life of a consultant can sometimes suck. The good - I get lots of vacation and my boss doesn't mind me taking extra time off without pay. The bad - sometimes the assignments suck. Like the one that put me in the hospital (a story for another day) or they are really boring. The ugly - this week. I ended one assignment this week and went to another client today to finish up some things. Not only had they trashed everything on my desk while I was gone but they also kicked me out at noon. Seems the client has not had time to review the stuff I did in the last three weeks.

So, here I sit without work for a few days. Which means I am not getting paid for a few days. Hopefully this all gets straightened out next week. I think I will be returning to a client on Monday with a contract extension. Otherwise, you may see me behind the counter at McDonalds. You want fries with that?



DC said...

Messed up your desk? You mean you're this guy?

JH said...

Not "trash" as in mess up but "trash" as in toss all my notes and notebooks in the recycle bin.