Monday, March 10, 2008

PCC Stone wrapup

We won that game to put us into the second event rat race. Then won the next two on Saturday. I think the boys were a bit tired and played out and we dropped the third game on Saturday to be out.

I didn't really like the draw. It punished you for winning a game by setting up a much longer road to get to Sunday. I understand what they were trying to do but they need to tweak it if they are doing it again.

Overall, a good time and the new guys did a great job. David, lead, started in January and Sean, second, started last January. Both adapted well to the ice and being in a different club.

The Golden Handle starts Thursday. At least I am not skipping, so just hit the broom and sweep some rocks.


1 comment:

DC said...

Suggestions for next year:

1. Post the prize amounts in Italian Lira or Czech Koruna so they appear larger and therefore increase motivation.

2. Demand actual and immediate enforcement of the Bagget rule by hiring a snowmaker from a ski resort and have a pile ready in the parking lot. Charge local snowboarders a fee to ride it to increase bonspiel revenue.

3. Add a special competition for yelling from the house. Set up one o'them decibal meters in the ice shed and have guys come out and yell sweep calls. Gamble on the results in the warm room. Odds on favorites are Vince Rainieri and Sean Murray with Jason Valetutto as a dark horse.

4. Bring back the 4th event with the stipulation that all particpants who wind up there slide with corn brooms and sweep with rink rats. Prize is, of course, the Baird Medal.

5. Curling Shoe fashion show during the Friday cocktail hour. Curler with the best looking pair of curling shoes is awarded the Durrant Cup. Have you heard about his shoes?

Ideas, I'm full of 'em.