Monday, April 6, 2009

It's melting

The compressor is off. The rocks are off the ice. There was skating and broom ball and a cookout. Yes, the season is finally over after an extra month when we put in early ice for September. Now the clean up starts. Push water to the drain, get the logos out of the ice and wash the floor at some point.

On the horsie scene, The Pamplemousse is out for at least six months. I Want Revenge had a huge Wood Memorial, Pioneerof The Nile looked okay in the Santa Anita. Quality Road had his Beyer figure upgraded to a 111 for the Florida Derby. Those three are on top right now. Time to start looking at who will finish strong to knock one of them off the board. And who to throw out.

The Phils weren't phightin' too good last night. Long season.


1 comment:

blahblahblah said...

So I hear it's not really melting. Wanna go throw some stones? :)