Friday, April 18, 2008

Baseball Chokes

Based on the comment by MF to this, I did a little googling to find out some more info. Here is an article in SI that includes some stats on the probabilities.

Of note, the '64 Phils are number 13, the Yanks-Bosox come in at 7 and the Mutts are number 5.

From the article -
What the math says: 499-to-1 against. The Mets' playoff probability peaked at 99.80 percent after the action of Sept. 12, when they held a 7-game lead over the Phillies with 16 games to play, and some favorable wild-card permutations as a backup.

So, the sucking includes the fact that not only did they not win the division (HA!) but also missed the wild card (double HA!).

The added bonus is that now all my friends who are Mets fans can't bring up 1964 anymore.

Thanks for reading MF.

Phils-Mets this weekend starting tonight (at Philly), so get to watch the boys play some games. ESPN Sunday night game as well.


1 comment:

DC said...

People watch baseball in April? Wow.

Three words: Stanley Cup Playoffs. Baseball starts around mid-June for me.