Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Men's Worlds - first live draw

Hey, we made it. Travel was a breeze. We have arrived in the flatest place I have ever been, Grand Forks. I think the closest hill is 14 hours away. Anyway, we are here.

Went to the 2pm draw. What a fabulous arena. Really, really nice. Too bad there are not 16,000 people here. You are missing it. The crowd was a bit down since the US decided to lose to France. They just are not playing at the top of the game. Too many half shots. Back to the action tonight to watch the big Canada-Germany match up.

Caught up with Don Barcome and his brother Earl. I have to say, given the choice, I would hang with Earl. Actually told Donny that and he agreed.

Also caught up with briefly Dallas Bittle of Curling Zone fame. He looks good and it was great to see him out and about.

Hans the ice man also stopped by for a quick visit and got to pick his brain briefly about ice stuff. Interesting that he thinks painting the concrete is the future for most clubs. Guess we need to look into that again soon.

Grand Forks seems like a nice little town, haven't seen a lot of it yet. Guess when you live on the East Coast and work in Manhattan, everything seems small. Did I mention it is really flat here?

Anyway, more later. Mrs. JHcurl has survived the trip and is currently napping (her natural state) as I type this entry.



Anonymous said...

Welcome to the Midwest Jeffy == did your curling game improve just by being here? Have fun.

DC said...

Bummer on painting the concrete. I was still hoping you guys would tell me where to get the "insulating paint" so I could cover my house in it for next winter.

Hope you have Bravo at the hotel, remember you're in a different time zone so adjust your Top Chef viewing accordingly 9or wait until the ep shows up on hulu.com, whatever).