Friday, August 8, 2008

A weekend away

First to statisfy DC, the Phillies are still in first. The Mutts take on the Fish this weekend so the Phightins' need to sweep the Bucos.

And we are taking a weekend off of traveling to NJ for a little D&B in Saratoga Springs. That's drinking and betting. Staying at the hotel where we spent part of our honeymoon and our anniversary is only a couple of days away. So that is kind of appropriate.

Hopefully the weather improves up there. They cancelled todays racing after two races because of all the rain.


1 comment:

Chris said...

The world must me coming to an end:

1. Mets are ahead of the Phollies
2. Yanks can't win a game on the road.
3. Brazil challenges US for WCF curling qualifier spot.

Oh, the humanity!