Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Holiday weekend

Mrs. JHcurl just sent out the schedule for ice making. What are you doing for the long weekend - BBQ, pool, beach? Us, we get to spend a long time in a windowless cold room watching water freeze. Yep, gonna start the whole process on Sunday so we can be done by the next Saturday. That way we can have the ice tech clinic folks help with the scraping and pebbling. At least we don't have to start curling right away.

On a more enjoyable topic, the Phightins' come back from an 7-0 hole to beat the Mutts last night. Back in first, hopefully to stay.



DC said...

Coincidentally, I will be spending part of my weekend watching ice melt. Right into the glasses of Aquavit I'll be enjoying in the late evening.

JH said...

Watching water freeze does leave some free time to enjoy a beverage or two.

DC said...

Are beverages enough though? Maybe something stronger is needed so all you ice types could stand there saying "There! I just saw another crystal form duuuude! It's beautiful! Hey, flip to the Phish bootleg on my Ipod and order up sixteen pies from Pepe's...."

Or maybe I've been watching too much of "The Drug Years" on VH1 Classic. Whatever.