Tuesday, December 30, 2008
At the vet clinic again
Spend an hour there while they do the blood work. Liver problems but they are not sure what. He will be spending at least two nights with an ultrasound scheduled for tomorrow. On intravenious right now.
We are not as worried about him as the kitten. He went through this about 3 years ago and it was just an infection. Some antibiotics, some pills and then he was fine. We will wait to hear the results tomorrow and see where we are.
And we are still going to LBI. Can't do anything by staying home except worry more.
Of course, the old lady Bonspiel is as healthy as a horse. We think she is pushing 20 but Mrs. is not sure exactly. She rules the roost and has already let the kitten know who is boss of this house.
Things will turn out fine, just like before and it WILL be a Happy New Year.
As we say at least once a day "damn cats" but we love'em.
PS and no this has not turned into a cat blog.
This and that

Otherwise, just taking down the Christmas stuff, putting away presents and getting ready for the special meeting of the LBI CC for New Years.
Also spent a couple of hours putting together a new stand for the HD TV. Then had to disconnect all the electronics, take out the old stand and hook everything back up. That went pretty well except for the missing parts and the lack of pre-drilled holes. Good thing I am a bit handy in figuring out that stuff.
Also have been following the Junior playdowns up at Broomstones. The Plainfield team for the boys is in the playoff and a win will get them to Nationals. Bob and Rachel must be pretty excited about that.
On the local curling front not much is happening. Still trying to get a team together for the club playdowns. Made a quick stop at the club on Saturday for a little maintenance and the local Trials teams of Derek and Charrissa were both there practicing.
Check out the LBI blog over here as we have internet access at the place we are staying and there may be some late night blogging.
Friday, December 26, 2008
Funny paws
Thursday, December 25, 2008
He is home
He has two shaved front paws from the IVs that he had for fluids. Will be on oral antibiotics for about a week.
So a merry Christmas after all. Mrs JH is much happier now that she has the baby home.
Hopefully DC will post his kitty story, not sure how you get a black eye from your cat.
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
A sick kitten
8:45 - kitten not good, Mrs. agrees, off to the vet.
10:00 - home from the vet, he is getting good care
11:00 - fever at 105
12:00 - off to pick up pies for Christmas in Pawling, NY
2:00 - fever spikes at 106.4 (we are driving home at this point...tears....)
3:15 - home from pie journey, drop off pies, pick up cat carrier, off to the vet
4:30 - at the vet, kitten doing slightly better (with cone on head), fever coming down
5:15 - at the emergency 24 hour vet center. Why? They can provide the 24 hour monitoring he needs right now. Cost- don't ask.
5:30 - kitten happy to see us and is purring - a good sign - temp down to 104
6:00 - home again, feed the other munchkins, check email, do some work
future at 9:00 - Mrs. will be calling the 24 hour center even though they would prefer we don't. There is no way that call will not happen. And if she wakes up at 2:00am, you bet there will be a call made then as well.
Christmas eve morning - get the blood work results, check the fever, determine if he is coming home or not. Hopefully they will figure out what is going on as sometimes these things have no rhyme or reason.
Christmas day - off to NJ hopefully and maybe home again the same day.
Why do these things always happen with pets at the worst times?
Monday, December 22, 2008
The Christmas letter for 2008
The year started off by getting very close to attending a National championship. One more made take out in the Club playdowns and it was off to the Club Nationals. Won’t forget that shot for a long time.
This here blog started in February. Mike over at InTheHack was cleaning up the site and decided to not have blogging anymore. I did get to rescue a few of my old ones which are now archived here. It was a pretty painless transition and now it has expanded to four separate blogs. Thank you Google.
The curling season ended at Nutmeg and it was another successful year as we continued to grow our membership. Of course that means that the World Curling Championships were in full swing. Jennifer Jones team won the Women’s Worlds and Mrs. JH was one of the first people to call her buddy Cathy O to offer congratulations. We also took a trip to one of the flattest places on earth, Grand Forks ND. This was for the Men’s Worlds. It was a blast as always and the arena is one of the best in the world.
Spring brings the Kentucky Derby and the beginning of baseball. As usual, I picked the winning horse and then decided not to bet on him because he was the favorite. And of course Curlin then stepped up and shot down Big Brown.
When Mike got rid of blogs at InTheHack, he must have had this in mind. One of the first and best curling chat sites on the internet closes up shop. A big loss for those of us with nothing better to do than argue the merits of playdown formats.
Summer is here and my Dad gets sick. Less than a month later he passes away. Enough said.
Fall brings some emotional recovery with the start of curling season and reconnecting with a lot of good people. We put in ice a month early and it was very successful and used a ton. It also brought about a wonderful joyful event, another historic collapse by the Mets. Not only do they drop out of first but also miss the playoffs. My beloved Phightin Phils take the division and enter the playoffs.
The GNCC decides to start a curling tour for prize money and somehow I get talked into being the chair. I still blame it on the beer that Derek bought me. We also lose my cat Domino to illness after 18 years. I had him before I ever met Mrs. JH and he was definitely my cat. So, we had to replace him because two cats is not enough. Enter the kitten. We think the spirit of Domino has entered the kitten sometimes as he does some of the same things, like drinking water out of a glass.
October – the fall classic and guess who is playing, why it is the PHILLIES. Anybody want to guess the outcome? PHILS WIN!!!
Finally we return to the scene of our first meeting ten years ago. This coming year will be our 10 year wedding anniversary. That is the paper present right? Guess I will buy her a book or maybe a calendar.
Christmas and the end of the year have arrived. It will be tough without Dad. He would always take his tree and fill in any "holes" that were missing branches by drilling into the trunk and adding an extra branch. His tree was always perfect. We did get a lot of his antique Christmas stuff so that is a nice reminder.
Have a safe, healthy and happy Holiday season everyone.
Friday, December 19, 2008
An early Christmas present to me
Yep, the check came today for my WINNING WORLD SERIES BET ON THE PHILS!!!!!
Made it back in February. Someone was headed to sin city so I says "here is $20, put it on the Phils to win the Series." 14-1 odds back then so a nice little Christmas bonus of $300. I do believe I may use it to buy a drink for some of my friends who are Mets fans. Just to rub it in a bit more. Or maybe send a box of tissues to David Wright who is still crying in his beer somewhere.
Now, just to parlay that on a winning horse in the Derby......hmmm.
Merry Christmas to me.
Facebook, curling and snow
Maybe I am becoming a technophobe. I just recently got a new cell phone. It is really hard to find a phone that is just a phone. I have a camera, I don't need an MP3 player, I don't text or email from the phone because the buttons are too small. Just a phone please and don't look at me like that. Whatever.
Anyhoodle. Playing a practice game against Olympic hopefuls Charrissa and team tomorrow. Ten ends with time clocks so that they can get a feel for the whole thing. A couple of her team have never played with clocks or the whole playdown process.
Waiting for the first snow storm of the season. Fired up the snowblower yesterday to make sure it ran okay and everything was in good shape. I do like power toys.
Monday, December 15, 2008
We win
The rock discussion went well and there is positive movement on getting the rocks done. I am looking forward to faster ice from this.
Sunday, December 14, 2008
This and that and those and them
Also have a board meeting to discuss the rocks. Will see how that goes. Loyal readers know the story but it should be an interesting meeting.
The Olympic Trials playdown schedules are set. Derek and his crew will be at TCC attempting to make it. They ended up in a pretty good pool and have a chance. Charrissa will be at Ardsley with a great chance as there are three spots available to go directly to the Trials. Playdowns start on the 7th of January. We will be heading down to Ardsley to cheer her on. Lots of GNCC teams at both TCC and Ardsley as well. Nice to see competitive curling expanding on the East coast.
Also finishing up Christmas shopping and decorating and lights. A bit late but bonspiels have kept the weekends busy.
Think there is curling on TV this weekend but not sure if we get it on the satellite. I think is the cable system out of Ontario. Next weekend there is curling for sure with the Continental Cup. Team North America vs Team World.
Christmas is almost here, hope you have your shopping done.
Monday, December 8, 2008
Snowy weekend
Otherwise it was a fun weekend. It did snow on Saturday night and into Sunday but not much. The steak dinner was great along with Lou's meatballs which were especially good as a midnight snack. No dice but lots of darts and cribbage. Coach Ray will be unhappy to hear that after our cold and hard work they have decided to not pay for the satellite anymore. Norfolk did lose quite a few members this year and they are worried about finances.
Hopefully they get a good turnout for the mixed to help them along.
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Northern Bound
Should be a lot of fun as always. DC will be there as well I think and Coach Ray usually is but couldn't make it this year. There will be curling and darts and Canadian dice. There is curling on TV as well and the great steak dinner cooked over an open wood fire.
There probably won't be any blogging as Norfolk has yet to enter the technology age. Even cell phones don't really work up there.
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Back on the air
Coach Ray is back on the air as well.
And we are back after almost 4 hours today. Cable was hinky for some reason, TV worked, phone almost worked and no internet. Then SMAC decided to reconnect everything and the wires weren't quite in the right places. But, obviously everything is good now. So she is now back to managing her farm.
Yep, she is now on Facebook way too much. Lots of friends. Running a virtual farm with cows, horses, chickens and fruit trees. Writing on walls. Sending spiting llamas and hatching eggs. So if you are on facebook (which I am) do what I do and just dont go there.
Saturday, November 29, 2008

This is a little better. Trying to fit in Mrs. purse for a little nap. And he has discovered how to jump up onto the kitchen counters. Now we have to hide the dry food inside a closet. I had forgotten how good kittens were at leaping.
Friday, November 28, 2008
A very nice Thanksgiving
A very nice and wonderful Thanksgiving with our bestest friends TK, AOK, Gaby, Livy, Bree, Stef and Felicia. There would be pictures but we didnt take any.
Back home now to do some stuff around the house and take care of the kitties.
And a correction to yesterday's post, curling is on TV next weekend.
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Happy Thanksgiving
Enjoy the day as you worry about how to buy Christmas presents, keeping the kitten from climbing the tree and where to put decorations that won't become "toys". Maybe an extra glass of wine will help.
Watch the curling on TV this weekend, you do have that Canadian satellite right. Probably lots of college football as well. The skins golf if that is still happening. Go outside and finish the leaves.
Give thanks to the Phils on the World Series. And somewhere David Wright is giving thanks that the Yankees are getting all the headlines right now and not the latest Mets collapse. Suck it Mutts.
As the Mrs says Happy Gobble Gobble Day!
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
You are doing what to my what!?
Then this happens:
Hallucinatory behavior, which may progress to delirium, may occur during emergence from Ketamine anesthesia.
Yep, around midnight he is literally bouncing off the walls, attacking everything in sight including us and just freaking out. This causes Skippy mom to freak out. Call the 24 hour emergency vet clinic and explain what is happening. They told us about the above. So, back into the guest room he goes for the night.
The next day expect to open the door to the room and see him floating above the bed like something out of the exorcist. Nope, just his old normal self (sans balls), purring and just wanting pets. We called our vet to ask if he got ketemine and she says yes and then explains that the reaction happens in about 10% of cats.
He has completely returned to "normal" at this point. Of course the instructions say to not allow him to run or play on the stairs for 3 days. Riiiighhhtt, how do you keep a kitten from playing? Duct tape maybe but he seems to be fine and takes breaks when he gets a tired.
Happy (American) Thanksgiving to all.
Monday, November 24, 2008
Second Again
A great time was had by all. Always a good party on Saturday night. I am sure we will be attending next year.
Saturday, November 22, 2008
First event baby
Not too much partying tonight, maybe till midnight then a good nights sleep for the final.
Hope my kitties are doing okay.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Same old story
He would have been 82 this year. Would have been nice to talk to him tomorrow. Maybe he can help out this weekend with some lucky breaks.
Plovers will also be in attendence. The Pres. is already scoping out places to eat, drink and be merry. Our usual place for lunch and adult beverages is called MacKenzie's. Pretty funny for those in the know.
Now about those costumes. Everything is getting effected by the economy. I was at the Party Store today looking for wigs. $25 a pop, no way. So no costumes for us. They will just have to appreciate us the way we are, old and wrinkled.
Monday, November 17, 2008
The weekend
And finally got the satellite dish all hooked up. Ran another cable as I was convinced the first one had a problem. So, tested this one first by hooking it up and running through the back door to the TV. No problem, okay so up on the roof, take down the other one, run the new one through the wall. To get through the wall have to cut off the connector on the end. Inside, hook it up and NO SIGNAL. Finally figured that it must be the metal fibers in the coating making contact somehow. Got that fixed and now we have HD satellite with a PVR and it works.
Because I know someone might care, Skippy is roaming free without supervision in the entire house. Even left him alone this morning when I took Mrs. to the train station.
Off to Philly this weekend for the Harvest mixed. Always a great time. Need to work out the costumes this week.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Colds and kittens
The kitten is FREE. He just loves to play and play with this little plastic cirle toy, kind of like the part you pull off a jug of milk. His favorite part is knocking it under the stove, then finding me and watching me get it out with a ruler. Yes, he has us trained already.
He is also a pretty good escape artist. He was scheduled for the vet today to get fixed. But he escaped the upstairs this morning and found his way to the food dish. Had to postpone the vet for a bit. Now we just have to deal with locking him in a room overnight and listening to the meowing when he is scheduled next.
No curling this weekend. Next weekend is the ten year return to the scene of the crime at the Philly club. Hmmm, maybe I should have sent them a gift registry....
Monday, November 10, 2008
Cat Freedom
When he gets out of the upstairs guest room it is a short dash to the stairs and then find a toy. Play with the toy while the other cats are not sure what is happening. Snickle, the 9 year old, just stares and stares. Occasionally following him around slowly. The kitten is fast, so fast that Snickle will be staring into a corner and the kitten is three rooms away. Bonspiel, the 18 year old, just wanders away to go hid in her bed or on the couch.
The kitten doesn't really care about the other two, he is too busy running and playing.
Pretty soon he will have full roam of the house unsupervised. Then you just have to listen for the crashes as he finds new "toys" to play with, like the plants.
Oh yeah and we went to a bonspiel this past weekend. Had fun, didnt win any jewelry and got to catch up with a lot of friends. More on that over here at some point.
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Curling weekend
Of course with the new kittie in the house we had to arrange for help with him. We have a great cat sitter who is not only going to come over three times a day but will stay here with him all weekend. He gets a lot of attention and the other munchkins will appreciate the attention as well.
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
More important things
Then on the way home, called to let Mrs. know where I was and what time I would be home. She told me this:
From the USCA:
We spoke with Pete Fenson this morning and he said that his father is still in the Intensive Care Unit, at MeritCare Hospital, 801 Broadway N., Fargo, ND 58122.
Bob's condition hasn't changed much since he was first stabilized during treatment for the stroke suffered Saturday evening, according to Pete. But Pete said that he does recognize his family and has been making efforts to try to communicate with them.
The Fenson family has set up a Caring Bridge site for Bob, which you can visit at http://www.caringbridge.org/visit/bobfenson
We appreciate you keeping Bob and his family in your thoughts and prayers.
USCA National Office Staff
We got to meet Bob last year when his son brought him to New York for the first time ever for his birthday. Of course, we arranged to attend a Yankee game. Got his name put up on the big scoreboard. He was so happy and thrilled to be in NY, at a Yankee game, taking in the atmosphere, everything.
So many times, life jumps up and gets in the way of other "news".
Thoughts and prayers to the Fenson family. Get better Bob.
Monday, November 3, 2008
Pain in the .....
Yesterday, back up the ladder to the roof, change the connection outside and in. Move the new cable to the primary input and no signal. So, I either broke the coax somewhere when I was tacking it down or something. Now, time to get a new coax. Which means back up the ladder, hook it up and run it through the door just to test it. Then if that is okay, remove the other new one and run this one up and over and through the wall.
Hopefully this all works eventually. Curling season on TV starts soon and want to be able to record that as well as other stuff.
Friday, October 31, 2008
It's Official
No, I didn't go to the parade today. I will celebrate from afar. Need to get a flag or something to put out in front of the house.
So, to keep me busy until pitchers and catchers report there is curling, GNCC MCT, bonspiels, the new kittie and keeping the ice good at the club. And there will be curling on TV soon which we now get to watch in HD since we upgraded the satellite receiver.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
PHILS WIN!!!!!!!
The curse of Willy Penn is broken.
Time to mail in my winning ticket. Anybody going to Vegas soon, need to make a bet for next year.
PS Three and half months till pitchers and catchers report.
Post 101 on the Phillies
Anyway, game 5 "resumes" tonight. Hopefully it does not snow. Phils have an advantage by batting 4 times to the Rays 3. Less pitchers for us to use. I expect there will be extra innings unless the Phils come out red hot. But I also expect a Phils victory and a large party in South Philly tonight.
Monday, October 27, 2008
Phillies and stuff
The rocket scientist and his lovely wife won the Broomstones mixed doubles this past weekend. Looks like they will be busy again this playdown season with mens, womens, mixed, mixed doubles and club.
Coach Ray was busy yesterday with the Phillies and paper mache and 4 posts in one day.
Final open house was held at Nutmeg yesterday. So far we have 22 or so new members.
DC is getting into the hockey season with an "interesting" post rated PG-13.
And finally because I don't spend enough time on the interwebs, a new blog has been set up for the Nutmeg curling club. Hopefully other people will post to it.
Go Phils!
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Two more to go
Big game tonight. A win and then Cole on Monday and the series is over. The curse of Willy Penn will be broken. All will be right with the world. Somewhere David Wright is crying in his beer.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Three more to go
3 more wins to go. Then the ticket in my wallet becomes good. A friend was heading to Vegas last February so I did what I always do. "Here is $20, bet the Phils to win the Series." So, hopefully I will be mailing that in soon.
Come on boys, lets bring this one home.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Monday, October 20, 2008
Weekend curling results
In Chicago - the group of plovers finally won a game on Saturday. Not sure if they made it to Sunday or not but I am sure they had a good time. They spent a lot of time downtown in Chicago enjoying the local watering holes.
In Potomac - two Nutmeg teams made the journey. One made it to the second event final where they finished runnerup.
In St. Paul - Derek and Charrissa made the trek and just missed qualifying for the playoffs. A good run through the C event and just came up short.
Sunday, October 19, 2008
New kittie
Of course, he was very afraid when we got him home. Put him in the guest room with the door shut. He hid under the bed for most of the afternoon and evening.
This morning he is coming out to investigate and get pets. He loves to purr and play. Now we are trying to get him to eat something.
Did you hear about the diet? It is a raw food thing, chicken, turkey, fish. So off to the store this morning to get him some trout. I dont get to eat trout but he does.
Pictures to follow as soon as he gets more used to us.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
GNCC Men's curling tour
Basically, the existing Men's bonspiels in the GNCC are going to be used. Teams will earn points based on how well they do in the spiel and money will be given out at the end of the year. First event is the Calder in Norfolk.
Somehow I got talked into being the chair for this thing. As with most things I volunteer for there was probably beer involved. But I think it can be a positive thing for the GNCC. Those are words I usually dont say.
So for those reading in the Midwest, look out. The East is trying to get better and even bigger.
A famous call in baseball gets reversed. After losing their 10,000 game this year the Phightin' Phils are on the way to the World Series. Somewhere the Mutts are playing golf and crying in their beer. Time for the pitching staff to shut down the Rays or the Sox. Time for Howard to go yard a bunch of times in the series.
Time for another World Series in Philly.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
New stuff
You can read about the shenanigans at the LBI CC annual meeting over at that blog. Some pictures as well.
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
LBI here we come
The weather has taken a turn for the better. The planning is almost done. Now just have to stock up on the beer, wine and food on the way onto the island. Monday is a holiday so it will be a nice long weekend for everyone.
The only thing we will miss is the relighting of Old Barny. Guess we have to wait till next year.
Monday, October 6, 2008
For Dan - not sure who the instructors will be for Hot Shots. Not really involved with the camp.
Otherwise, just trying to work out all the wrinkles for the GNCC Tour. More on that soon.
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Just a small hiccup
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Big day results
Our first time on the ice was fun and we didnt get hurt. Always a bonus.
The ice is not curling as much. Lots of variables to look at to determine what to do. Will keep watching and trying secret things to see what happens. It is faster which is nice.
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Wednesday is a big day
Tomorrow night we hit the ice for the first time in a mixed doubles game against Derek and Charrissa. So at least we wont be out there long. Still haven't thrown a rock so this will be the first ones of the season. Should really be interesting.
Also interested to see what the ice is doing. Have heard some comments that it is not curling as much as last year but is faster. HMMM....more ice tech stuff to figure out. Only curling one night a year this season so maybe I will spend some time on other nights just watching and figuring out the ice. This needs to be a paid position if I do all that work.
Sunday, September 28, 2008
The Phightins' take on the Brew Crew while the Cubbies play the Dodgers.
It is so much fun to hate the Mutts right now. They are toast and there hopes for next year are not to finish last. They will be many, many, many players gone from that team including the entire bullpen.
One more time with gusto.
Saturday, September 27, 2008
One more game
In a year when the Yankees miss the playoffs for the first time in 13 seasons, the Mets could have the NY sports pages all to themselves and they cant get it done. Just a great scenario. That group of players are toast until they retire if they miss the playoffs two years in a row by collapsing. Look for wholesale trades next season to clean house and rebuild the team. We could use a third baseman and wouldn't mind see Wright in Phils pinstripes.
Friday, September 26, 2008
GNCC happenings
The big news that is being worked on is the establishment of a Mens GNCC curling tour. This will be a collection of current bonspiels with points awarded to teams that register. At the end of the season there will be cash prizes awarded. Details are being worked on by the rocket scientist and me. All the details will be forthcoming soon.
Early ice at Nutmeg has been a real hit. Team Gemmell has been in town, parts of Team Surka were around and lots of other folks as well.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Final week
Of course the Phillies making the playoffs will make it a fun October and keep the betting slip in my pocket alive. Still have the hope of cashing a ticket finally for the Phillies winning the series.
Friday, September 19, 2008
New curling club
Off to the GNCC executive meeting tonight in Albany. I think the agenda might be slightly different than the LBI annual meeting. Our agenda as provided by President Andrea:
Agenda- cocktails followed by pre dinner snacks along with more cocktails. The dinner with cocktails of course. Dessert will follow with desset cocktails. During all of this we might disscuss new membership or just listen to the facinating stories from Jeff our GNCC rep. He can fill us in on all the exciting GNCC meeting details. Or...........we can just have cocktails instead. There will also be plenty of beach redneck quoits and Kubb throughout the weekend! Oh yeah, and cocktails!
Curling season really has started.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
busy, busy, busy
Got the new blade for the scraper all set for use this week. Yes, another new toy to play with and it should make a big difference. Now just have to wrap up the old one for the trip to Winnipeg to get sharpened. Still haven't figured out exactly how to ship it there without it costing a million dollars.
Also started a new work project which is based in Trenton, NJ. So, have been making a lot of trips down there for meetings and such. Yesterday was a nice short 14 hour day of driving, meeting, driving.
Upcoming is the annual LBI trip for the year. Should be a lot of fun as always. Also will be getting the new kittie in a couple of weeks after we return from LBI.
And the Phightin's are tied for the wild card and half a game back of the Mutts. If the Mutts collapse again this year shouldn't they fire Charlie Manual? Isn't that the reason they dumped the last guy.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
By request
This is the final process, sealing everything in. So, all the lines and paint are down.
We think it came out pretty well this year. Looks nice and bright. Shorty would call it dog shit, which is a term of endearment for him.
The picture on the right is gonna be the newest member of the family. Haven't really decided on a name but "skippy" leads the way right now.
Sunday, September 7, 2008
One more day
Ice tech clinic went really well yesterday. I think everybody got something out of it. First time in 30 years that there was a US sanctioned ice clinic in the GNCC. 23 ice men and women in attendance representing 12 different clubs. Lots of good discussion and exchange of ideas.
Time to catch up on the Phillies and hope they can pull off a sweep of the doubleheader today.
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Inquiring minds
In the home stretch now, a couple more floods tomorrow and then it just scraping and pebbling to get to flat.
So, back in the chair tomorrow although there are a few minor things to do while the floods freeze. Some clean up, a little scraper maintenance and vacuum the side boards.
All in all a very successful and problem free ice install. I didn't even yell at anybody until today. Not bad.
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Hard at work making ice
This is the hardest part of the ice making process. No, really, this is the part where you wait for three hours or so for the water to freeze. It is just boring. In the past two years as a new club there was usually some project that took up the time. Now, we just hang out and enjoy the weather.
At least today went smoothly and ended early. Tomorrow starts the stressful bit as we paint the white and cut the circles. Both of which we have never done without Shorty's expert guidance.
Thursday is circle painting and putting in the lines. Friday is the final couple of leveling floods.
Knock on wood
More pics later as Mrs. JHcurl is still resting.
Sunday, August 31, 2008
It's Here!
The ice making starts today. Seal the edges, put down a list coat of ice on the floor and set the hacks. At least there are lots of new toys to play with including a laser temperature gun. I did forget to order one toy, the battery powered backpack sprayer. The manual pump one works fine but it really gets tiring when sealing the lines.
First year on our own without the expert guidance of Shorty. Will be installing his signature hog line, a nice red one.
Friday, August 29, 2008
End of summer
Weather for next week - 80's outside, 30's inside. Really not fun at all to get off the ice and go outside and just melt in the "heat".
Enjoy the last long weekend of summer.
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Holiday weekend
On a more enjoyable topic, the Phightins' come back from an 7-0 hole to beat the Mutts last night. Back in first, hopefully to stay.
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Early Ice
The title?, Nutmeg got approved by the USCA for early ice. Compressor goes on next weekend and we start the process on Labor Day. Should have ice by the 6th or 7th. Getting all our ducks in a row. Mrs. JHcurl is handling the schedule and already has a bunch of time set aside for various folks including the US wheelchair team (Bronze medalists from the Worlds).
Early ice means early GNCC news. The rocket scientist has a new men's team lined up and they will be in town for some practice. One of the Canadian transplants is lining up women for a "tryout" type event and hopes to form a team for the playdowns. That should be interesting. The wheelchair team is coming in for three days I think. I get the job of lining up some games for them.
Also having an ice tech clinic in September. Lots of fellow ice men coming in. Have to stock up the ice shed with some supplies (beer) to keep them happy as they help us scrape and pebble and shovel snow.
Info on the early ice can be found on the Nutmeg site if you are interested.
Friday, August 15, 2008
An online curling institution closes
I got to meet Mike on one of my trips to Ottawa. Nice guy and he was really forward thinking about doing stuff on the internet. I guess Gerry and Dallas are now the kings of internet curling chat. Well, they are nice guys too.
If you need some curling gloves for this season sounds like Mike still has a bunch. I will be ordering some for this year. Who knows, they might even be a collectable at some point with the InTheHack logo on them.
Thanks Mike for making InTheHack a place to meet new friends and find people to argue with over curling.
Time to head over to CZ and start up the discussions that were pending at ITH.
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Woulda, Shoulda, Coulda
Went up Saturday morning and arrived at the track in time for the second race. Watched the horses wander around the paddock and then made some bets. This was a "baby" race, all two year olds most of which had never run a race before. So it is a total crap shoot who will do well. Mrs. JHcurl picked the right winner and I had a couple to show. We ended up cashing in for $140 right away and that set the tone for the day. I think we only lost on one race and ended the day well ahead.
Had a nice meal that night at the place we stayed for part of the honeymoon. Also stayed there again and it is a very nice hotel.
Next day we are meeting some fellow curlers from Plainfield so we head for town to do a little shopping before the races. Back to the track with a table in the Terrace restaurant which is on the third floor with a wonderful view of the entire track. The betting day does not go nearly so well but still ahead overall. The rest of the crew heads out before the final race to get home at a decent hour. We decide to stay since we are staying the night and might as well hang out for a while. A really good decision was we hit the exacta and the trifecta in the last race for a win of $140. Once again puts us slightly ahead for the day. Only shoulda was we had actually picked the first four finishers (superfecta) and if we had bet it would have paid a nice $1100. Oh well.
A wonderful way to spend the almost anniversary weekend.
Friday, August 8, 2008
A weekend away
And we are taking a weekend off of traveling to NJ for a little D&B in Saratoga Springs. That's drinking and betting. Staying at the hotel where we spent part of our honeymoon and our anniversary is only a couple of days away. So that is kind of appropriate.
Hopefully the weather improves up there. They cancelled todays racing after two races because of all the rain.
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Curling club championship
There were rumblings that I heard about that the WCF was thinking about setting up a World club championship. I would think that with Canada on board this just might just be something that could occur. Of course, all the eligibility elements would have to be worked out. Who knows, probably wont happen until I am too old anyway. Got to start working on that senior team I guess.
Monday, August 4, 2008
Pork roll, tomatoes and corn
The added bonus of spending so much time at home was the fresh tomatoes from the garden. The extra added bonus yesterday was eating a sun warm tomato in the garden while picking others. Dad would save seeds from year to year to get the biggest and best plum tomatoes you can imagine.
Also picked up some fresh corn yesterday. Stopped by a local farm I know where you go into the barn and buy it off the tractor that just pulled in from the field. Yummy describes it all.
Yesterday was spent packing up the big stuff to haul home to CT. A friend of ours drove down in his pickup to help out. Of course, driving home on the NJ Turnpike and various NY roads at 70 mph, I was a little worried stuff might fall out. But everything was fine until we got about a mile from home.
On the Merritt Parkway, our friends truck about 10 cars ahead of us. All of a sudden traffic is coming to a screeching halt and I notice that the truck is the first car in the line of stopped cars and there is stuff laying on the side of the road. Turns out that a car in front of him lost two kayaks off the top and they were headed right for him. Lucky bounces took both of them off the road but it was close.
Got everything out of the old homestead at this point. Now just have to find a place for it at home.
Saturday, August 2, 2008
"south" North Dakota??
Was in the basement going through the myriad of tools and such. Mrs. JHcurl yells down that there is someone to see me. Turns out to be someone who I went to high school with and still lives in town and I think in the same house. I think that South Jersey (at least parts) are very much like the rural Midwest. People grow up and never leave. Spend their whole lives in the same town or at least close by. Not that that is a bad thing. I still miss the lifestyle here. It is so relaxed and down to earth. Mrs. JH would probably go out of her mind in a week. Me, I would be happy in the garden, fishing in the river and just watching the rest of the world progress into the future while South Jersey just rolled along.
Anyway, go catch up with DC in Finland now.
Thursday, July 31, 2008
This and That
Pittsburgh curling club is looking into this as a way to build their club. Public land is usually a good thing and if they could get some of the funding even better.
DC is off to Sweden and Finland for vacation.
And we are off to the graveyard of favorites next weekend for a much deserved break.
Friday, July 25, 2008
Busy, busy, busy
So, this makes for a very busy time with dealing with the house and all the myriad paperwork. Worst part is the IRS. I still don't have a good idea what needs to be done or what forms I need to file as the executor.
Anyway, all this means no trip to the great white North for Lake of the Woods. The fish will just have to wait a year to get caught.
But we are making a weekend trip to the "Spa", Saratoga Springs to you non-horsie types. A group of curlers are going and we will have a good time losing some money.
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Back on the air
The Phillies are still in first at the break. Just need the Mutts to start losing again.
On the curling front, our friend Georgina has a new team for the BC provincials. She added some youngsters so that should make for an interesting season.
Rumour has it that Colleen Jones is off to the seniors.
Hopefully off to Lake of the Woods in a few weeks. Should be some pictures posted if we make it there.
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
bars with a few sheets of ice behind 'em
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Don't touch the ice
Wonder if the same rule applies to curlers with "hot feet"? Better get those shoes fixed MF.
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Watch your beer
If you drink Labatt blue this has been happening to you for quite a while. Look at the bottle closely next time and you will see it is 11.5 ounces. Those sneaky Canadians.
Monday, June 9, 2008
Monday hodgepodge
Annual meeting at Nutmeg goes well. Had it in the ice shed and even with 90 degrees outside it wasn't bad.
More curlers moving to CT as Trevor and Kitty from Ardsley will be heading our way soon.
Shorty has taken a bit of a turn for the worse. Prayers and good wishes to him and his family.
Saturday, June 7, 2008
Belmont Stakes
So, is there a reason to bet on the race. Casino Drive has been scratched so that opens up a long shot for second. Three horses to use in the exacta, Denis Of Cork, Tale Of Ekati and Icabad Crane. Big Brown on top with those three underneath and those three with Big Brown under just in case. That is 6 bets so $12 for a $2 exacta. Might want to throw out Denis of Cork since that would probably pay about $8.
Will I bet, don't know. Might do something like a Big Brown, Denis Of Cork, All trifecta and hope for a really longshot in third. Nine horses so that is only a $7 bet.
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Enhanced baseball, now with sound effects!
Maybe I missed something, so watch a little more. Yep, happens again and occasionally the sound of that glove smack is not quite so loud.
I guess MSG or someone has decided that it is more impressive if the Yankee pitchs sound really loud on TV, so they have added just a bit of enhancement to it. Kind of like a laugh track on a sitcom.
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
a curler needs your help
Regular readers will know Andrea Stepnosky from Plainfield. Well, her company is holding a "belly buster" contest and you can help.
Simply go here and vote for Andrea. The winner of the voting takes home a small prize. So vote today. You can also re-vote every two weeks, so visit often and keep voting!
Monday, June 2, 2008
A couple of items
A few minor news items I guess, even some relating to curling.
Jennifer Jones and the girls are playing against the boys in the TSN skins game in January.
We cancelled out of the Cape Cod mixed. Our team kind of fell apart and rather than spend the vacation time (and gas money) we figured to save it for something else. That something else may be a trip to Germany in the fall for a bonspiel.
Our friend Shorty Jenkins is in the hospital. He is a great guy who always took the time to help us when we needed it. He is doing okay and will hopefully be home soon. Get well short stuff.
I guess the news was curling related.
Friday, May 23, 2008
Holiday weekend
Tomorrow is a picnic at a curler's new house. There will be some beirut, food and adult beverages. Will be nice to see the folks that disappear in the summer.
Sunday we are off to Belmont Park to watch the horsies. Will drink some beer, make a few bets and hopefully win a few dollars. No big race that day so it is actually not too crowded and you can get close to the paddock and the rail.
Monday will be a hang out kind of day with a little yard work and not much else.
Monday, May 19, 2008
Some people's worst nightmare
Anyway, that was our big news from the GNCC annual meeting. They also passed a one dollar increase on the dues. Otherwise it was a pretty calm meeting.
We will still maintain our strict new member policy. If you want to join you better learn the secret hand signal and attendance is mandatory at the annual meeting.
By the way, did you notice I got the winner of the Preakness right?
Friday, May 16, 2008
A little curling...kinda
Not sure if that is good or bad. Good I guess that we get some press but bad in that people don't know we exist and there was a lot of ballot box stuffing by the members to get us the win.
Anyway, it is some publicity.
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Not much happening
If you want to bet the Preakness this weekend put Big Brown on top. Don't see a way he can lose. Only way to make any money (the only reason to bet) is to play some trifectas.
Off to the GNCC meeting this weekend. Should be some news out of that for next week.
Friday, May 9, 2008
Thursday, May 8, 2008
At the Yankees with Pete and Bob
The main reason they were in town was for Bobs' birthday. So Mrs. JHcurl got his name up in lights on the main scoreboard in Yankee stadium. Got a picture of it and will be sending it to them.
Of course the best part about that is Mrs. also ended up getting her picture on the scoreboard. If you have been to a game you know that in between innings a lot of time the cameras will focus in on people and they show up on the scoreboard. Well that is when they also do the birthday announcements on the board. So there is Mrs. standing there with the camera and focused on the scoreboard. We are all watching the board as well. All of a sudden there she is, bigger then life, on the scoreboard with a camera in her hand. She was so shocked that she didn't even get a picture of it. I fell out of my chair I was laughing so hard. At least she recovered in time to get a picture of Bob's name.
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Baseball, curling and pizza
So, will meet him at his hotel in a little while and then take the subway to the game. I think that will be a new experience for them.
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Special guest post from Mrs. JHcurl
Mrs. JH here..
This is my first time posting on my husbands blog. I do enjoy reading his blogs and figured it was time to chirp in.
As you can see we are not wealthy by his horse betting nor do we make anything from his wisdom on curling. But the man has passion and shows it through his many posts on curling, fishing, The Philly’s, horse racing etc. We met curling and spent our honeymoon in Saratoga at the race track– do you see a trend here? Thankfully he did not ask me to go deep sea fishing for our honeymoon – might have drawn the line there.
The references JH has made about me are all true –sorry to say. I guess I feel honored he refers to me in between discussing painting concrete curling floors, what horse to bet on in the Derby and how good the Philly’s are. The life of being Mrs. JH is so glamorous. Spring is here and as he mentioned we entertain at Yankee games so my last words will be LETS GO YANKEES!!!!
Oh dear I may be referred to as the X-Mrs. JH in the next blog..
Horses, baseball and buses
Like today at lunch as I walk out of the building. Ambulance, fire truck and a bus. Seems somebody got hit by the bus. Don't know how it happened but this is starting to be tourist season here in Manhattan. If you come to NYC on vacation, be careful crossing the street. Just because other people are walking does NOT mean it is safe to cross. Too many times I see some tourist not paying attention and just step off the curb when others start to cross. A lot of times those people are crossing against the light. Don't try this on vacation, we have years of practice.
Off to the Yankees again tomorrow with Pete Fenson and his dad. If you're reading this JL, check your email. Gonna meet Pete at his hotel and give him the whole Yankees experience by taking the subway to the game. Hopefully will have some pictures to post later this week.
Sunday, May 4, 2008
Sad end to a great Derby
Big Brown is the real deal. He will win the Preakness easily unless he didn't come out of the Derby well. I expect a small field for the Preakness. Only way to make any money on that race will be to bet trifectas.
Look for a lot of articles in the coming days on getting racetracks to switch away from dirt to synthetic.
And I hope that somebody read this and bet the house on Big Brown. One of these years I will take my own advice and bet big on the horse I dont like.
Off to a Yankee game today.
Friday, May 2, 2008
Derby final update
Big Brown might hit the board or more likely will finish about 7th. I am throwing him out.
Others that I like and will box with the Colonel. Z fortune - 2nd in the Ark. Derby with a 102. Monba - better of the two Pletcher horses, this may be his year in a wide open field. Gayego - Ark. Derby winner with a 103, seasoned jock Mike Smith aboard.
Ones to consider for the exactas and trifectas - Eight Belles, Pyro, Denis of Cork, Recapturetheglory.
As stated previously, probably wont bet a tri, there are 15 horses that could finish third.
Good luck to all.
Thursday, May 1, 2008
Derby update for Thursday
Big Brown pulls the 20 post....hmmmm...gonna use up a lot of gas in the tank to avoid the crowd into the first turn.
Got the past performances which will get read on the train tonight.
Most likely betting scenario at this point.
Big Brown on top in a exacta with 5 horses underneath. Even if the top two finish that way should still pay around $40.
4 horse exacta box throwing out Big Brown with a Pletcher horse. He has to win sometime. Will also have "Baffert lite" in there as well.
Maybe a win bet on the filly. Probably no tri bet this year, too many horses that could finish third.
Certainly shaping up a race of "never happened" or "hasn't happened since".
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Derby update for Wednesday
Bet 3-6-9 trifecta. Long story short, on our honeymoon in Saratoga, these were the numbers Mrs. wants to play for a trifecta. We had been losing for 3 days and I looked at the odds and they were off the board. So, I don't bet it and it comes in and pays $4,800.00. Ever since, bet those numbers if there is nothing else I like.
Don't lose to the trainers. This could be Pletchers' year, so probably will bet his horses. No Baffert or Lukas but always bet them as well.
Bet the hot jockey. Probably try this as well.
Past Performances will be available tonight from Daily Racing Form online for free so will have those to pour over tomorrow. Probably wont help.
Picks will be out before Saturday.
Monday, April 28, 2008
Derby update for Monday
So where are we in the choices? So far, Big Brown, Colonel John, Pyro, Gayego are in the mix although one will probably get thrown out. If past history is any indicator, bet the house on the one I throw out. Others that I will be looking at are Z Fortune, Recapturetheglory and Bob Black Jack. Why those are intriguing is due to their past Beyer numbers. Not gonna explain what that is but in the last 20 years, only one horse with a Beyer under 100 has won the Derby. So they get considered.
But seven horses is too many to bet so there will be more digging when the past performances come out late Wednesday. Also, the post position draw will be done that evening.
It is an exciting week.
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Yankees time
Yep, Pete and his dad are coming to NY. Don't think either has been to a game so should be a lot of fun. Of course, all the games are crazy this year since it is the last year of the stadium. The atmosphere should be rocking (hee).
Friday, April 25, 2008
First Saturday in May
Over the last few years this has paid off since the reason I do all that is to make some hopefully "good" bets. The best of those was 2002 when I had the exacta for $1800. That was fun. Made some money the last two years but nothing big.
This year could be one of those years. The big question mark is Big Brown. Is he really the monster that he has shown or not?
My normal betting strategy is to throw out the favorite. But with Big Brown probably going off in the neighborhood of 3-1 that makes him worthwhile to play. Get a longer shot underneath and the exacta could be really nice.
The rest of the field looks rather even though there will be some to throw out. Probably end up with 4 or 5 horses I like and then try to set up some exactas and trifectas to make a few coins.
A lot will come down to the post position draw on Wednesday. Then the past performances will be out probably Thursday. So Friday will be a study day and then over to OTB in CT to make the bets.
Look for a post next week with the picks. For now, Big Brown will hit the board somewhere IMHO.
Friday, April 18, 2008
Baseball Chokes
Of note, the '64 Phils are number 13, the Yanks-Bosox come in at 7 and the Mutts are number 5.
From the article -
What the math says: 499-to-1 against. The Mets' playoff probability peaked at 99.80 percent after the action of Sept. 12, when they held a 7-game lead over the Phillies with 16 games to play, and some favorable wild-card permutations as a backup.
So, the sucking includes the fact that not only did they not win the division (HA!) but also missed the wild card (double HA!).
The added bonus is that now all my friends who are Mets fans can't bring up 1964 anymore.
Thanks for reading MF.
Phils-Mets this weekend starting tonight (at Philly), so get to watch the boys play some games. ESPN Sunday night game as well.
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Spring has sprung
Now is the time for baseball and the annual turmoil that is rooting for the Fightin' Phils. I grew up in Southern New Jersey (or more correctly South Jersey, an entry for a later date) and became a Phils fan at 8. Listening to Harry Calas and Rich Ashburn on the radio and watching Schmidt hit all those dingers ("It's outta here"). Still catch a game on TV whenever they are playing the Mets (boo) or the Braves (double boo). The last few years have been making a bet in Vegas on them to win it all. Got one for this year as well.
As part of Mrs. JHcurl's job she entertains clients at Yankee Stadium as loyal readers will know. Get to go there for about 15 games a year. Not bad but have never been an AL fan. Still hate the DH, always will. Takes away too much of the strategy of the game.
At least the Phils are not 10 games out of first yet like a couple of years ago. And there can always be another collapse by Mets which was the greatest thing to happen in sports for quite a while. Now there is the 2007 Mets instead of the '64 Phils that people will use as the "greatest choke in baseball".
Anyway, off-season posting has begun and will touch on who knows what.
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Men's Worlds aftermath
It was a fun time. The committee did a great job. The final was a bit boring. Scotland just couldn't get anything going it seemed.
I think the Tuesday to Monday schedule works well for attending and viewing. Dont get burnt out or tired before the final weekend rolls around.
Probably won't be in Moncton next year. Since the girls are going to the Scotties as Team Canada, we will probably go to Victoria instead if we go anyway.
Monday, April 14, 2008
Men's Worlds - final evening
Kevin gets his gold. Good for him.
Time for bed. More tomorrow. With pictures of the new team Canada and their new fifth.
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Men's Worlds - final morning
Jennifer, Cathy O, Jill, Dawn and Jennifer will be there today for the game.
Will be a big crowd for the final, probably the biggest of the week.
Not sure who I am rooting for today.
Off to the closing dinner tonight and then the airport tomorrow.
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Men's Worlds - Saturday night
Glad that Norway won tonight. Helps the Aussies in the Olympic points.
Nice little ceremony at the hotel for the girls today. Quite a crowd to cheer for the World Champions.
Grand Forks has done a really nice job with these Worlds. Pretty good crowd tonight for the bronze game, probably 1500 or so. Expect the joint to be jumping tomorrow.
Men's Worlds - Friday late night
Got to hang out a bunch with the World Champions tonite. Our friends Cathy O, Jill and newest friend Dawn. Yep, the Women's World Champs are in town. Mrs. JHcurl is still down there drinking with them, me I am in bed soon.
Took a little road trip today to Minnesota. East Grand Forks has a Cabela's. Lots of browsing and Mrs. bought some clothes. Pretty cool place, could have spent a whole bunch of money.
All right, off to bed. Semi tomorrow at 1:30 local time, breakfast at 11:00. The girls are signing autographs at noon, may go stand in line just for a laugh.
Still the having a great time. Want to go to a great event, Edmonton, December, 2009, Canadian Olympic trials, be there. It will be some fabulous curling and a great party.
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Men's Worlds - Thursday evening
Got to root for the Aussies at this point. I met Hugh and his old team about 15 years agos on my first trip to Ottawa. Got to hang out with them at Lowell a bunch. They are great guys. So, Aussie, Aussie, Aussie, Oi ,Oi, Oi.
The Fighting Souix (University of ND) are getting hammered in the NCAA hockey. The town will be drinking tonight. Drowning their sorrows.
Off to the last draw of the round robin. Mrs. JHcurl is hanging in there. Took a nice nap this afternoon and she is ready to go for the last game. Me, as always, I am hoping for tiebreakers so there is more curling. Three teams tied for fourth and there is a 10:30pm game tonight, yeah baby, I am in.
Men's Worlds - Thursday morning
Canada with a loss to China. China played great the last 4 ends. Canada looks disinterested sometimes. Just playing to get to the weekend.
Good crowd yesterday and seems to be getting bigger everyday. DBZ has done a great job.
Off to the arena.
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Men's Worlds - Wednesday morning
There is a "casino" in the hotel. Well, 4 or 5 blackjack tables. Interesting. There is also an indoor water park here. Not sure if Grand Forks is a destination that people go to for vacation.
Not at the morning draw this morning. Seems the shower is not working quite right. Had a nice cold shower this morning.
well, more later I am sure. Have to get to the Broken Broom Lounge today.
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Men's Worlds - first live draw
Went to the 2pm draw. What a fabulous arena. Really, really nice. Too bad there are not 16,000 people here. You are missing it. The crowd was a bit down since the US decided to lose to France. They just are not playing at the top of the game. Too many half shots. Back to the action tonight to watch the big Canada-Germany match up.
Caught up with Don Barcome and his brother Earl. I have to say, given the choice, I would hang with Earl. Actually told Donny that and he agreed.
Also caught up with briefly Dallas Bittle of Curling Zone fame. He looks good and it was great to see him out and about.
Hans the ice man also stopped by for a quick visit and got to pick his brain briefly about ice stuff. Interesting that he thinks painting the concrete is the future for most clubs. Guess we need to look into that again soon.
Grand Forks seems like a nice little town, haven't seen a lot of it yet. Guess when you live on the East Coast and work in Manhattan, everything seems small. Did I mention it is really flat here?
Anyway, more later. Mrs. JHcurl has survived the trip and is currently napping (her natural state) as I type this entry.
Monday, April 7, 2008
Men's Worlds - pre-travel day
Didn't get to see much curling yesterday. WCSN wasn't showing anything and only caught a bit of the Can-Aus game. Looks like the field is rounding into shape. The Czechs have to be the big suprise so far. Along with the Scots not performing well.
Can't wait to get there to see this great arena. Will make the evening draw for sure and possibly the afternoon draw.
Off to pack and get organized. Car service picks us up at 5:30am tomorrow morning.
Sunday, April 6, 2008
Men's Worlds - day one
The US team looked pretty good although the tenth end was a bit scary. Norway throws a touch less weight on that tap back and the entire top of the four foot is closed off. No way that last shot would have been there. I think they got away with one. A big win as Norway will be in the playoffs I think.
Canada looked impressive in the night game. A bit suprising that it took nine ends to put away Denmark but the game was really over before that.
The ice looked great with one funky spot on the outside that seemed to fall. Happened in the US and the Canada game. Looked like there were quite a few people there. Certainly more than we had at Lowell.
Still hoping to get there on Tuesday. Working on getting Mrs. JHcurl better before then.
More curling to watch today on WCSN and hopefully on CBC website. Lots of internet chatter about viewing options being blocked for various locations. Will have to figure out how to pretend to be from Canada so I can watch at CBC.
Friday, April 4, 2008
In sickness and in health
The year 2000, the last combined Worlds in Glasgow along with the first Senior Worlds (I think). First time we met Shorty and Ray. Along about Tuesday she gets sick and spends the next two and half days in bed in the hotel. Nice way to enjoy your first trip to a World's.
So, hopefully she can get better quickly. I dont think spending time in bed in a hotel in Grand Forks will be very much fun.
Monday, March 31, 2008
The plug is pulled
No more curling until the summerspiel in Cape Cod. Then September will roll around and we will be back to making ice.
Off to Grand Forks, ND next Tuesday morning for the Men's Worlds. Still working on getting internet access in the arena. Hope to be doing some live blogging from there. If not, there will be blogs done late at night or early morning. Look me up if you are there.
Saturday, March 29, 2008
5 year old sings Canadian National anthem
What does this have to do with curling you may ask? Well the young lady in question happens to be the daughter of World Champion curlers who live in Edmonton. Not sure if I should be naming names so I will leave that up to you, loyal readers.
Her current five year old ambition is to be a singer and a dancer. She is even enrolled in a performing arts school at this young age.
Feel free to guess in the comments.
Thursday, March 27, 2008
US vs the world
Is the addition of so many new curlers watering down the field? Is there not the dedication needed to produce at the World level? Is it the lack of great competition in the US? Not sure, probably some combination of factors. When you only have 7 teams playing down for the Worlds out of the entire country that is not a good sign.
Of course, the rest of the World is catching up to Canada and doing it a lot quicker than the US seems to be. Russia, Japan and China all spend lots of time in Canada playing the best. Seems to be working well for them.
Hopefully the men don't bomb out in Grand Forks.
Enjoy the US curling in the 2010 Olympics because if it keeps going this way, that might be the last time for a while.
Saturday, March 22, 2008
Mixed Nationals and Women's Worlds
The Women's Worlds starts today as well. Supposedly there is coverage here and here for the US games. The first one says that the draw starts on Monday so not sure what that means. The second link shows that today's game will be available tomorrow. So, I guess not much in the way of live coverage. Will be watching TSN to see Mrs. JHcurl's girls anyway. With the time difference there will be a lot of late nights this week watching curling.
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Mixed Nationals
Best of luck to newest Nutmeggers Derek and Charrissa with teammates Sean and Rachel. This could be their year with Washington (ie Brady's) out of the picture. Go guys go.
Arizona is an interesting team as only one player actually lives in Arizona. Just one more question to the USCA, how does a team qualify from Arizona when only one player lives there? Does that mean if I pick up a player from Texas I can qualify from there next year? Seems kind of odd but who am I to question. Oh yeah, I am the rabble rouser from the East Coast. Rest assured fine readers (if there are any) you will never see my name on the USCA board or even the GNCC board for that matter. Hell, I can't even ever expect to be president of Nutmeg since I am deemed "to passionate" about certain matters. Whatever, I just want to make great ice at the club and throw some stones.
Okay, enough ranting for now. Go Derek, Charrissa, Sean and Rachel. Bring home the hardware to the East Coast and show those Midwestern snobs we really can curl.